About Multi-factor Authentication

In addition to your password, multi-factor authentication provides a second layer of security by sending an approval request to a pre-approved device. By requiring two different modes of authentication UC Santa Barbara can protect user logins from remote hacks or phishing attacks that may exploit stolen user names and passwords. 

Two modes of authentication include:

Something you know: A unique username and password

Something you have: A smartphone with an app to approve authentication requests

To improve our security posture, UC Santa Barbara Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) incorporates Duo Security as a multi-factor authentication solution. Once enrolled in Duo, you can log in using your UC Santa Barbara information and as a second step, reconfirm your identity using a second device – a mobile phone, a non-smart cellphone, a landline, or at your department's direction, a hard token.

Enroll in MFA Now

  1. MFA with Duo protects your account and your data. To gain access to your account, an attacker would need your passphrase as well as the physical device you use for MFA with Duo. If all the attackers have is your password, they can’t access the account. If they somehow obtain your token or smartphone, they would still need your passphrase. In other words, one factor can fail, and the other will still protect you. (At UC Santa Barbara, the two primary authentication methods for many applications and websites are CAS and Shibboleth. They require your login and Kerberos passphrase, and provide the first level of sign-in authentication.)
  2. Duo protects UCSB. Duo will provide better security for UCSB data assets, including accounts, applications and websites.
  3. Duo offers flexibility. There are choices in how you can use Duo. You can receive the second password via a free mobile app on your mobile phone, a hard token (a small device that typically resembles an electronic key or flash drive), via a phone call or text.
  4. Duo is a simple solution and offers simple integration with other services and an easy interface.

For all other situations and general account questions, contact the UCSB IT Services support team at (805) 893-5000 (x5000) or submit a ticket at ithelp.ucsb.edu under the End User Services tab, then Access and Accounts. 

IT Services Support hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. If you need assistance outside of business hours, you can still submit a ticket at ithelp.ucsb.edu and the team will address it during business hours.

MFA with Duo Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the MFA Frequently Asked Questions page for more information about MFA with Duo at UCSB.